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HD Rain allows you to optimize your prospecting process, from underwriting to client portfolio management, by offering innovative solutions specifically tailored to property and casualty (P&C) insurance and parametric insurance.
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Our solutions are designed to align with your needs.
Certainly, here's a rephrased version:"Faced with the challenges of accessing, processing, and maintaining public and private data, HD Rain's teams have created high-quality products and services. This relieves you of operational management responsibilities.
A 5-step methodology to certify any geographical coordinates, weather stations, or weather models anywhere in the world.
Thousands of public and private data sets collected each month from ground stations, satellite products, and weather models.
Risk analyses
Our scientific team can assist you with all your weather and climate-related matters!
Risk mitigation
We assist you in mitigating your clients' fundamental risk through our advanced alerts and comprehensive reporting solutions.
Increase operational efficiency and convenience with HD Rain.
Thanks to our innovative algorithms and artificial intelligence, we meet all your data access, analysis, and prevention needs.
Data certification
Accurate pricing
Risk analyses
Simplified Product Development
Reducing Underlying Risk
Efficient Claims Management
Optimized Prospecting
More Accessible Data
They use our services
In the insurance market for 5 years now, we collaborate with leading insurers, insurance brokers, and reinsurers in the industry.
Since 2021, HD Rain has been partnering with Generali by providing them with historical data to enhance their forecasting, pricing, and prospecting efforts for new customers and markets.
Beginning in 2023, HD Rain partners officially with Olea on climate-related issues. Our teams provide meteorological expertise, covering risk analysis and the implementation of preventive solutions to reduce underlying risk.